Press Release for Agoraphobia Resource Center
I am submitting the following press release to PR Web to be sent out on May 2. I had never written a press release before, but here is what I wrote:
Recovered Agoraphobic Launches New Informational Website to Help People with Agoraphobia
Clovis, CA (PRWEB) May 2, 2006 -- A recovered agoraphobic has launched a new informational website featuring a free newsletter to help people learn about and recover from agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of having a panic attack in open spaces or public situations.
Stephen Price, who since recovering from agoraphobia has earned a masters degree in psychology and published original research on anxiety, created the Agoraphobia Resource Center (found on the web at to help others who suffer from agoraphobia.
The Agoraphobia Resource Center offers its visitors a variety of information on the causes, symptoms, and treatments for agoraphobia along with summaries of the latest research on the disorder. The site also includes informative articles, written from Stephen’s study of and personal experience with agoraphobia.
Visitors to the site may sign up for the free Agoraphobia Newsletter, a bi-monthly, online newsletter written specifically to help people learn what they need to know to recover from agoraphobia. Agoraphobics may also share their personal experiences on the site’s discussion board.
“I created the site I wish I had when I was suffering,” says Stephen. “The way I see it, the Internet is the best way to communicate with people who are afraid to leave their homes. There are 3.2 million Americans with agoraphobia at any given point in time, and my goal is to offer them a sense of community and hope through the Internet.”
Stephen is currently writing two e-books which should be available on the site by summer. One will be called “The Agoraphobia Handbook” and provide a comprehensive information source on the disorder. The other will be called “Goodbye Anxiety” and contain principles for recovery illustrated by the author’s personal success story.
Understanding agoraphobia is a major obstacle for most people in recovery. Many people have agoraphobia for a year or more before they even know what is wrong with them. Sufferers commonly visit a succession of medical doctors, many of whom are not trained to diagnose psychological disorders. The purpose of the Agoraphobia Resource Center is to remedy this situation.
“People have heard of most phobias, like claustrophobia and social phobia,” Stephen says, “but if you mention agoraphobia, people just shake their heads. My goal is create awareness so people will know how and where to get help if they or someone they love shows signs of having agoraphobia.”